E Komo Mai! Welcome!
Important Dates 01 May: Deadline for the abstract submission (Concurrent Sessions) 15 May: Send acceptances to concurrent session presenters 15 May: Deadline for the abstract submission (Roundtable Sessions) 31 May: Send acceptances to roundtable session presenters 30 June: Deadline for the paper submissions (both Concurrent and Roundtable Sessions) 1 July: Registration deadline 20 July: Program Announcement (all sessions, keynotes, and event) 3-4 August: Online Conference Due to the uncertainty of the global coronavirus pandemic, travel to Hawaii, and hosting large gatherings at the University of Hawaii, this year’s event will be held entirely online. If there is a change in venue, each sponsoring group will be notified immediately. Abstract Submission Complete the Google Form (LINK TO NEW GOOGLE FORM) to submit your abstract by the due date. If you are unable to access this form, download the 2022 abstract submission form template for roundtables (students) or concurrent sessions (ADD LINKS TO TEMPLATES). Submit the form by the due date as an email attachment. Email the form to icomehawaii@gmail.com. Contact Us Contact one of us or complete this form (CREATE FORM, UPDATE LINK) to submit your questions.: Bert Kimura <bert@hawaii.edu> - General information Curtis Ho <curtis@hawaii.edu> - Papers Kitty Hino <kitty@hawaii.edu> - Registration
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